TMJ Treatment

TMJ Treatment in Raritan, NJ

TMJ treatment options vary depending on your specific circumstances and situation. For over 20 years, Stunning Smiles of Somerset in Raritan has focused on primarily identifying the underlying causes of stress and TMJ, strain on the muscles, ligaments, and joint systems. By taking into account all of these factors, our dental professionals are able to eliminate causal factors so the ligaments and joints can begin to heal and restore themselves over time with the appropriate treatment.

TMJ Assessment

As stated above, the best way to treat temporomandibular disorders is by conducting a thorough examination, looking at dental occlusion. The most important things to evaluate include how the dentition maintains the correct support of the jaw, the facial muscles found on the face and the TM joint itself.

By taking note of trigger points, and listening carefully with a stethoscope to determine the status of the joints and evidence of disk derangement or wear and tear.

Treatment of the TM Joint

At Stunning Smiles of Somerset in New Jersey 08869, a variety of treatment options would be used to pinpoint this inflammation of the joint. To demonstrate the most safety and effectiveness to resolve skeletal muscle problems, osteopathic manipulative technique, cold laser therapy, acupuncture and injection of trigger points with lidocaine are all used.

To bring the point back home, the biggest help that we can offer at Stunning Smiles of Somerset is the resolution of trigger points or points of stress that are ultimately the biggest culprits in TMJ disorders.

To learn more or see if we offer the kind of TMJ treatment in Raritan you’re seeking, feel free to give our office a call.

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